Welcome to the Drama Therapy Collections, a repository of original multimedia works on drama therapy theory, practice, history, and visions of the future. Drama Therapy Collections invites you to send in your documented performances and presentations in a “creative commons” format to be shared with others for non-commercial and educational purposes. We encourage works on a diverse range of topics, identities, practices, personas, issues of class, gender, race, sexuality, and other identities that address our professional and social work.
We invite a wide range of modalities, practices, reflecting on drama therapy.
We hope this collection can help us participate more fully in an ongoing dialogue as we work toward social change.
Drama Therapy Collections website is accessible to everyone committed to the growth and development of the field of drama therapy. We are RDTs from around the world who are curious about our field and love to share our creative work with others, students, practitioners, and clients. We are educators, therapists, theatre artists, and students.
We believe that sharing our current practices and documented history can provide hope and inspiration and encourage further creativity and a wider appreciation of what this community can do together.